Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) should probably not be called a disorder at all!.  It is the body and mind’s response to an overwhelming experience.  However, the memories or artifacts in the mind of that experience can make living hellish ! – hyper-vigilance, nightmares, avoidance that lead to irritability, anxiety, lack of sleep, trouble in relationships.

PTSD can be it can be acute, as in combat, car accident, assault, injury or other life threatening situation or the kind that develops slowly, over time, like childhood or family abuse, bad life style or other prolonged situations where bad things happen

However, as the symptoms show themselves, jobs, relationships, and enjoying life are all at stake.

Without a change, there is a cycle that just makes life worse.

There is a solution!  There has been significant research and progress in dealing with the consequences over just the last few years.


Therapists don’t all have the same experience.  You need one with the right experience!

You may be discouraged with they way you have attempted to deal with it.  However, you have not tried working with Dr. LaVine.  Dr. LaVine had both types of PTSD, the slow kind from childhood abuse and the acute kind from a near death experience in a boat explosion.  He no longer has any noticeable or measurable symptoms – been there and come out the other side.

If you think you can manage alone, you probably can, by why would you take that painful route when you can find an easier way?

Start feeling improvement within a few weeks, learn ways of coping that will make you stronger and more independent than ever.

121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801
(954) 716-6702

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