Do You Have Fear of Panic Attacks at the Wrong Time and Place? or Fear of bridges, flying, driving, closed spaces, heights, blood, birds, insects, or throwing up?
“Panic” can lead to avoiding the best things in life. In many cases, people just avoid things they fear.
When things that they can’t entirely avoid like dealing with others, driving, elevators and heights, they will just bear the intense discomfort. For others, the fear may be a trigger for panic attacks.
Don’t suffer from fear of a panic attack while dealing with others, driving, flying, elevators, and other phobia needlessly.
Dr. LaVine can quickly work his magic to help you – usually change occurs in the first session. Many resolve in less than FOUR sessions. If you have anxiety in general, that will be resolved as well.
His approaches use modern neuroscience! He will discuss with you what method will work best for you!
Mind Body Techniques, CBT (Exposure Therapy), Biofeedback, Hypnotherapy, and/or Virtual Reality.
“I was so surprised that when I started to panic, I just remembered what I learned to do and settled right down and enjoyed myself”- KS
(954) 716-6702
Text Now! (954) 716-6702
CONVIENENT: Telehealth or In Person!
Office: N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
(954) 716-6702
Text Now! (954) 716-6702
Appointments available this week!
Common types of phobias:
acrophobia, fear of heights
aerophobia, fear of flying
arachnophobia, fear of spiders
astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning
autophobia, fear of being alone
claustrophobia, fear of confined or crowded spaces
hemophobia, fear of blood
hydrophobia, fear of water
ophidiophobia, fear of snakes
zoophobia, fear of animals