Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBCT)- Harnessing Positive Energy

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective! Special Individual and Group Rates

Mindfulness-based Therapy combines the best aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy, neuroscience, meditative practices to cultivate mindfulness, develop attention skills and regulate emotions.

For people who suffer from stress, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, trauma and bouts with depression, Mindfulness-based Therapy, is very effective.   Within 3-5 weeks most find a significant improvement in energy, clarity, sleep and mood.

Dr. LaVine’s program puts the deep structure, understanding and specific training with feedback to move you from interest in self-help to transformation.

Cognitive mindfulness is for those who want to change one or more of these conditions

  • From Stressed and anxious to relaxed, calm and confident
  • From Lack of Focus to finding purpose and concentration
  • From Worried to stop thinking so much
  • From being Overwhelmed to get moving and have direction
  • From Burned out to being excited again and having energy
  • From irritated, Angry or Frustrated who want to react less and with more compassion
  • From Traumatized to reduced jumpiness, hyper vigilance and reactivity
  • From In Pain and want to increase pain tolerance and use medication less
  • From Lonely to connect to others and nature
  • From Bored to stimulated and adventure
  • From Perfectionist to balance
  • From Going through the motions to living with purpose


1. Mindfulness-based Mind-Body Skills Group – Power of Like Minded People

Group Telehealth

There is a weekly Mindfulness-based mind-body skills group that is open to almost everyone.  It is for people who are in between self help and therapy.  Or as adjunct to therapy.

There is power in working together for a common goal of reducing anxiety, depression and improving emotional regulation.  It is not a support group where group members share their personal history, rather it is a skills group where we learn how to relax, meditate, manage ruminative thoughts and negative thinking, and cultivate positive emotions.  It is a very powerful and cost effective option for those that are contemplating therapy or who have had therapy and want to continue to improve.

Get started now with a free consultation to see if it is a fit for you.

2. When These Areas Get More Severe, Individual Mindfulness Based Therapy Works for:

Telehealth for mindfulness

If you can relate to any of the above issues, Mindfulness-based Therapy may be right for you. Mindfulness-Based Therapy helps people separate their behaviors from their thoughts and moods and teaches them how to recognize their sense of being, and aims to give participants the necessary tools to combat negative thoughts and feelings as they arise.

If you or someone you know will benefit from mindfulness-based therapy, please contact me today for a free consultation. I would be happy to speak with you about how I may be able to help.

This quick improvement is interesting given that Mindfulness-based Therapies were originally developed and structured as eight week programs for those with chronic illness, depression, and anxiety who had not seen results with other therapies.

For those with depression, MBCT is very powerful! Recent research has also shown that people who have been clinically depressed three or more times in their life find that learning mindfulness-based skills helps to considerably reduce their chances of anxiety and depression returning. Changing their lives.

Individual Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

Most are mistaking Mindfulness Based Therapy as just meditating.  It is so much more.   With therapy and guided practice the subconscious blocks to letting go, relaxing, changing habits, changing relationship patterns, centering and meditation are removed with therapy.   With Dr. LaVine’s neuroscience based program your brain is rewired to stop the anxious and negative thoughts, relax the body, shift thinking patterns to a much more positive and healthy state of  mind.



2881 East Oakland Park Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

(954) 716-6702

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