Mindfulness Health & Wellness Coaching

Tired of attempting to use willpower to maintain healthy habits and reduce stress?  Do you wish you could be more present and mindful of the world around you? Have you been feeling less inspired or joyful in life lately?

If so, mindfulness coaching can help.

Meditation Cruise on the Star Clipper round trip from St. Martin in February 2024.







Dr. LaVine’s Podcast on the benefits and what happens on Dr. LaVine’s Meditation Cruise



Mindfulness Based Coaching Can Help

As a Mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach, I work one-on-one with individuals to help them improve their overall well-being. Life can be challenging and stressful; happiness is too easily fleeting… Working with a mindfulness based health and wellness coach can help you summon your inner strength and feel greater happiness and joy in your day to day life.

If you find yourself feeling any of the following:

  • Seeking inspiration
  • Seeking nature and adventure
  • Looking to grow spiritually
  • Seeking peace

Or if you find your life more negative, than positive.

  • Feeling stressed and work out
  • Stuck in your relationships, life, or career
  • Depressed at where life has brought you and wanting your life to be defined by the future, not the past

Then a Mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach can help.

If you have the desire to make a change but have been unable to, then let’s work together. My specialty is working with individuals through these challenging times, to help them feel more present, and to help them make the changes that they want out of their life.

Give me a call today and let’s set up a time to talk about how we can work together to help you feel better.

Weekly Mind Body Support Group (Zoom)

121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801

(954) 716-6702

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