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Get the Best Couples Counseling

Pre Marriage Counseling

If you have issue or concerns about marriage, then it is best to work them out.  Dr. LaVine listen’s attentively, reflects on the issues and provides insights and solutions.

Marriage/Partner Couples Brief Counseling

Sometime partners have difficulty coming to agreement on certain problems or the have developed a pattern of escalation when there are differences.  They may have one big decision to resolve.  The couple may be committed to the relationship, they want it to work better.  These couples can benefit from Gestalt Brief Couple’s Counseling.

Discernment Counseling

There are couples contemplating divorce.  One or the other is leaning out of the relationship, the other is leaning in to the relationship.   They are ambivalent about staying or going.  One or both are not committed to working on saving the relationship.  Discernment  counseling  is 1-5 sessions with 3 outcomes.  1. Stay as it is, 2. Commit to separation or divorce 3.  Intense commitment for a period of time, taking divorce off the table, to make it work.  The goals are clarity and confidence in this very significant decision.

Dr.  LaVine has decades of experience to wisely counsel.  He quickly reduces tension, helps establish new lines of communication, helps the couple or family break old patterns, and develop a process to solve problems.

With therapy, you’ll learn how to get your needs met, and get what you want out of your relationship.

End stagnation, lack of intimacy,  stonewalling, avoidance and find true companionship, growth and adventure.

Dealing With Life After Divorce

Dr. LaVine has worked with individuals that needed help dealing with verbal, emotional and even physical abuse in relationships.  Although, sometimes recovery may mean help is needed to deal with loss, acceptance and left over feelings from the relationship.

Relationship Issues Addressed

Professional support to deal with difficult situations that are beyond normal issues:

  • Balance (Work/Life/Family)
  • Blended Families
  • Chronic Illness
  • ADHD or ADD of a partner
  • Trauma
  • Divorce
  • Extended Family
  • Mental Illness

Critical moments or ruptures in the relationship:

  • Significant decisions, including divorcing
  • Children
  • Stress and resentments
  • Intimacy
  • Infidelity/Cheating

Counseling Sessions

In session: I observe, reflect, challenge, provide expertise, teach, and facilitate a new way to interact to get each parties needs met now and into the future; even if there is divorce or separation.

  • The first session only requires a commitment to find out what is possible, its not a commitment to couples therapy until the goals are defined.
  • After the initial meeting a decision can be made to either work towards a mutual goal in couples therapy or, if one party is not clear or committed work on bringing clarity and resolution to the couple.
  • Or work with an individual in “Individual in relationship” to help that person be the best they can be both in and out of the relationship now and in the future.

121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801
(954) 716-6702

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