Dr. LaVine’s Anxiety Treatment Program

What is Dr. LaVine’s Anxiety Treatment Program  and why does it require specific treatment considerations?

The program combines several empirically supported  therapies into a strong flexible program that can be tailored to meet each clients specific needs for eliminating the dysfunction created by anxiety.

The basic premises of the program are:

  • treat anxiety at at the physical, mental and spiritual level
  • provide a structure to insure success, with an end target in mind
  • tailorable to meet each persons personality, specific issues, financial and time needs.

The program:

  • Provide relief in the first session
  • 8-12 weeks in duration
  • Is geared to break old mental habits and patterns
  • Develop skills to stop excessive thinking, reduce anxious feelings and regulate emotions.

The program takes an average of 12-20 sessions. We can concentrate on specific issues with specific treatments for a limited number of your problems. Specificity of issue and the treatment allows for a limited number of sessions.  Because of the limited time involved, the client is required to be diligent. Time-limited therapy offers additional incentive for us to work efficiently and effectively. However, the exact length of treatment will likely be determined by a host of factors involving your history, those things going on in your life and your condition.

Delivery is a combination of individual therapy, group coaching and group sessions.  Each participant can select how they want to participate.  The more group related sessions the lower the cost, the more individual, the higher.  Total costs range between $900 to $2,000.  A weekly payment plan is available.

One of the most common complaints is that often therapists rigidly adhere to a “set schedule” of progress or topics. However, in our work you will find that you are in control of your therapy;  so I am flexible and adaptive in approaching all situations paying particular attention to your unique needs and readiness to approach a topic.


121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801

(954) 716-6702

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