ADD/ADHD Counseling, Therapy or Coaching Copy

ADHD Assessment and/or  Therapy

If you’re interested in learning more about ADD and ADHD therapy, contact me today for a free consultation. I would be happy to share how I can help you or your loved one achieve success and grow.

(954) 716-6702

Video and In Person Appointments available this week!


Adults have ADHD/ADD  – Therapy, Counseling and Coaching

You may not be hyperactive, you may just wish to improve certain things:

If you have ADD you are a person with high levels of energy, usually bright, have a zest for life, ambitious, know and are capable of doing certain things. Yet, you often lack the ability to get things done that require future planning (like make commitments), get bored easily, get distracted by or hyper focused on other things, and as a result have some inner turmoil.

How would you like life to change?

  • Less Stress and Anxiety
  • Lose Embarrassment Over Missed Commitments
  • Eliminate Procrastination
  • Improve Organization or Study Skills
  • Maybe to be in the inner circle, be a hero at work or school, and/or feel comfortable in your own skin!


(954) 716-6702

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(954) 716-6702


 AN  IN OFFICE SESSION                                           OR                           VIRTUAL APPOINTMENT 

“Awesome…, great to be able to relax and have a clear mind”- Meredith

There Has Been A Dramatic 25% increase in ADHD assessments and treatment with COVID-19 Lockdowns

The reasons others are seeking ADHD treatment after some much time at home:

  • Working from home without external motivators for focus, organization, and productivity — plus new and different sources of distraction
  • Stress and anxiety related to the pandemic, lockdown measures, employment, politics, etc.
  • Unending time at home with family members living with ADHD, seeing symptom similarities in a new light
  • More time on social media platforms like TikTok and Twitter, and their #ADHD channels

Here are some of the changes you can make!

In social situations, go from:

  • disappointing self and others to fulfilling commitments
  • avoiding participating
  • having outbursts to responding appropriately
  • being accused of not listening to catching every word
  • being seen as thoughtless to viewed as considerate
  • being bored to intimacy in relationships
  • from interrupting often, or say the wrong thing at the wrong time to patient.

At school or work, go from:

  • held back to moving forward
  • going in circles to staying on course
  • seen as disorganized/chaotic to “got it together”
  • procrastinating, suffering on certain, or needing deadlines on tasks to getting them

(954) 716-6702

In moments that you are alone with yourself (intrapsychic conflict) from:

  • Feeling stressed or anxious about being on schedule, to making progress
  • From being impulsive, feeling regret to engaging foresight
  • From being upset with self to feeling good
  • From being restless to calm
  • Driven to compulsively engage in bad habits or just wasting time, to being able to stop
  • Thinking others think you are slow or stupid, to feeling confident
  • From thinking less than or more than others to feeling right sized
  • From believing why bother? to knowing you can do it.

The Remedy!

Assessment: Understand yourself from a new point of view, not one that was provided by society.

Coaching: Develop mastery of your mind’s restless, impulsive and compulsive nature. Feel true rewards in life. Make the outside world your ally. Creating the right environment for success. Maybe psychiatric consult for certain circumstances, and external aids as required. Deal with various negative coping strategies such as  bad habits, depression, anxiety, avoidance and social isolation. Establish an internal compass to keep moving forward.

121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801
(954) 716-6702

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