Acute Stress Disorder

Significant life events happen that bring change.  Sometimes there are reasons why an individual cannot adapt to the change immediately.  The stress brought on by the pressure cause acute stress.

There is a stress continuum.   If you stay in stress, IE stuck there because you feel you cannot change circumstances or your response, eventually it will become anxiety and if stuck there depression.

Take this questionnaire to find out your current stress, anxiety and depression levels.

DASS 42 ONLINE TEST | Roger LaVine

For educational purposes only, not a substitute for a formal diagnosis or therapy. 


(954) 716-6702

 Text Now! (954) 716-6702



Dr. LaVine effectively coaches and teaches new coping skills to master the change!


121 S. Orange Ave., Ste 1594
Orlando, FL 32801
(954) 716-6702

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